Monday, November 11, 2013

French MP 'stabbed' at Armistice Day event in Provence

French MP 'stabbed' at Armistice Day event in Provence

An unknown attacker has stabbed a member of France's parliament in a small town near Marseille at an Armistice Day event, French media say.
Bernard Reynes (image from UMP website)
Mr Reynes is seen here in a photo on a UMP website devoted to its MPs
Bernard Reynes, an MP in the Bouches-de-Rhone region, was attacked in front of the town cemetery in Chateaurenard, of which he is mayor.
The condition of Mr Reynes, who is a member of the UMP conservative opposition party, was not reported.
Two other local politicians were also hurt before the attacker was detained.
Like other countries, France marked the 95th anniversary of the end of World War One on Monday with solemn commemorations of its war dead.

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