Thursday, November 7, 2013

International community urges polls sans banda

International community urges polls sans banda

    The international community, including five permanent members of the UN Security Council—US, Russia, China, UK and France—has called on political parties opposing the November 19 electionto respect the universal principle of free election s and the rights of others and not engage in any ‘illegal acts’ such as bandas or general strikes.
    “Bandhs or strikes, when enforced by violence or the threat of violence, are a violation of the political rights of citizens and against the laws of Nepal,” said United Nations Resident Coordinator for Nepal Jamie McGoldrick in a statement issued on behalf of the international missions in Nepal. “Preventing peaceful campaigning by others is also unlawful,” the statement said.
    The statement comes ahead of the 10-day banda called by the CPN-Maoist-led 33-party alliance, beginning on November 11.
    While the government and a section of the political and civil society leaders have been reaching out to the dissenting parties, the CPN-Maoist has given no hint of withdrawing the general strike which is aimed at disrupting the election .
    The international community also said that it supports Nepali people in their right to express their views in peace, either as candidates or voters. “Everyone should respect the democratic right to take part in a peaceful, open and inclusive election .
    Parties who have been involved in such actions should respect the universal principle of free election s and the rights of others,” said the statement.
    The international community applauded efforts being made by all stakeholders, including the interim government, the Election Commission, the political parties and the media, in making theelection a success.
    “Especially, we commend the role of thousands of candidates who are conducting their election campaigns abiding by the Election Code of Conduct. Many politicians and their supporters are campaigning peacefully and lawfully despite unacceptable threats and disruptions,” the statement said.
    The community further lauded the restraint shown so far by the police, security forces and the Home Ministry, “in providingelection security with profession-alism in the face of provocation during this sensitive period.”

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