Thursday, November 7, 2013

CPN-Maoist likely to shorten 10-day banda

CPN-Maoist likely to shorten 10-day banda

    The poll opposing 33 party alliance led by CPN-Maoist has initiated discussions to shorten the 10-day nationwide general strike earlier scheduled to disrupt Constituent Assembly (CA) elections.
    The alliance had declared to call general strike from Nov 11 to disrupt the polls.
    "Discussions are underway to shorten the strike period to 5 days, the decision will be finalised within a day or two," Maoist sources said. 
    The alliance has been compelled to alter its decision following immense pressure from all quarters, CPN-Maoist Vice Chairman CP Gajurel said.
    The CPN-Maoist decision comes a dat aftyer the statement issued by the international community, including five permanent members of the UN Security Council—US, Russia, China, UK and France—not to engage in any ‘illegal acts’ such as banda s or general strikes.
    Meanwhile, some leaders of the alliance have also been seen raising their voice against the banda .

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