Sunday, November 17, 2013

Carter calls on Prez Yadav

Carter calls on Prez Yadav


Former US President Jimmy Carter called on President Ram Baran Yadav at the Office of the President at Sheetal Niwas on Sunday.
On the occasion, they discussed on the latest political developments, Constituent Assembly (CA) election going to be held on November 19 and fundamental issues to be written in the new constitution after election .
President Yadav told Carter that the form of governance and federalism would be the main issues of the new constitution, one senior official of the Office of the President present in the meeting told RSS on condition of anonymity.
Yadav also familiarized the former US President that India, China, European Union, America as well as international community have been supporting in CA election as well as socio-economic development of Nepal as far as possible.
Similarly, Yadav said the founder of the Carter Center that the government was committed to holding the CA election in a free and fearless manner and sufficient number of security personnel had been deployed for the same. He also informed that all the preparations for the CA election were completed.   

The president also urged him to observe and inspect the electionprocess including election preparations, said the official. In the meeting held for 25 minutes, the former US President expressed the view that a French model which is a meeting point  of maintaining understanding among all sides on the  form of governance and federalism could be appropriate.
The said the Carter Center was conducting observations ofelection in various countries of the world, and was here in this connection. Carter also apprised the president that a team of the Center led by him will observe various polling booths and vote counting sites in the Kathmandu Valley in cooperation with the European Union Observation Mission. RSS

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