Saturday, November 16, 2013

10 things we didn't know last week

10 things we didn't know last week

Woman looking quizzical
1. Lee Harvey Oswald still has an overdue library book from Dallas public library.
2. Wayne Rooney's voicemail password was Stella Artois.
3. "Huh?" means the same thing in every language.
4. A man can outrun a cheetah over a distance of four miles (6.4km) during the hottest time of the day.
5. Russian officials can no longer say "Your thank you does not butter my bread" in case it's taken as a request for a bribe.
6. The first margarine was made from cattle fat combined with chopped sheep or pig stomach.
7. There's only one sneeze in the bible.
8. The Volkswagen Golf has been Germany's best-selling car for 32 years in a row.
9. The most popular US college degree earned by millionaires is engineering.
10. The oldest piece of string dates back 90,000 years.

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